Thursday, December 20

Dreamweaver Site! Webpage Advancement

Dreamweaver is a web page editor designed to allow users to create web pages with a wide variety of features without having to write the HTML code by hand. What you design in the Dreamweaver document window will be coded and placed the document so that the browser will display the page just as you see it in your Dreamweaver window. 
I really got to see from this tutorial how easy and simple it is to make the webpage. The video was easy to follow and really increase my knowledge of webpage design. 

Friday, December 14

25 days to make a difference

Recently in an article, a 10 year old Laura has been finding ways to help out her community. She has helped her dad put up lights, she has set the dinner table for her family, and cleaning her fish bowl, because it was consiting of yucky water. She has also been donating hats and coats to underprivileged children who dont get a lot for christmas. She has also chopped mushrooms with her aunt. By doing these little things, she can make the world a better place to live in. Whos says that one person can't change the world?!.

Today, i cant make a difference by help cleaning the house with my mom. Also i can take my dog out for a walk more often instead of letting him just go outside. When my parents need help i can help out without complaning.