Friday, June 6

Parents Monitor Students

This NYtimes article that i recently just read, is talking about a program where the parents can actually monitor what the child is doing with the school work and what not. This program comes at a time when children want to manage their own life and do what they want to do, but ParentConnect allows the parents to hold a tighter grip on what their child is up to.Depending on the software, parents can check pending assignments; incomplete assignments; whether a child has been late to class; discipline notices; and grades on homework, quizzes and tests as soon as they are posted. They can also receive e-mail alerts on their cellphones.In rural, urban and suburban districts, they have become a new fact of life for thousands of families. At best, the programs can be the Internet’s bright light into the bottomless backpack, an antidote for freshman forgetfulness, an early warning system and a lie detector. With this program their is no secrets between them and their kids concerning their education. I think that this program is a total invasion of privacy. I think parents should know when their child is cutting class or when they are about to fail, but having them know every little thing their child does or doesnt do is a little overbearing. Children derserve their privacy, and it will just make them not want to tell their parents anything when the parents are constantly interigating them about their school work.

Friday, April 18


Global Warming is happening all around the world.Arctic ice is rapidly disappearing, and the region may have its first completely ice free summer by 2040 or earlier. Glaciers and mountain snows are rapidly melting—for example, Montana's Glacier National Park now has only 27 glaciers, versus 150 in 1910.An upsurge in the amount of extreme weather events, such as wild fires, heat waves, and strong tropical storms, is also attributed in part to climate change by some experts. The Arctic is feeling the effects the most. Average temperatures in Alaska, western Canada, and eastern Russia have risen at twice the global average, according to the multinational Arctic Climate Impact Assessment report compiled between 2000 and 2004.The population of polorbears and expected to decrease because of such amounts of water and no land left. The sea level is also expected to rise and that could cause major floods on the all the costs. Poorer countries are much less able to withstand the devastation caused by extreme weather events, and climate change is likely to increase such events. For example, global warming could increase the number of people impacted by flooding by 20-50 million. Up to 37% of God's land-based species could be committed to extinction by 2050, making global warming the largest single threat to biodiversity.
The earth is getting warmer because of the Greenhouse effect. The Greenhouse effect is the earth's atmosphere traps solar radiation, caused by the presence in the atmosphere of gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane that allow incoming sunlight to pass throught but absorb heat radiated back from the earth's surface.
However, there are ways to stop global warming like, Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (cfl).Clean or replace filters on your furnace and air conditioner. Also you can Take a shower instead of a bath.

Wednesday, January 30

Japanese Best Sellers go Cellular

In Tokoyo, Japan. Their last years best selling novels have been cell phone novels. Five were originally cellphone novels, mostly love stories written in the short sentences characteristic of text messaging but containing little of the plotting or character development found in traditional novels. Cellphone novelists are racking up the kind of sales that some many people only dream of. A 21 year old girl Rin, recently used her cellphone to create a novel and is now thurned in a best selling novel. After cellphone readers voted her novel No. 1 in one ranking, her story of the ragic love between two childhood friends was turned into a 142-page hardcover book last year.As the population of people who had cellphones grew, cellphones had been an integral part of their life starting from high school. They punched out text messages with their thumbs with blinding speed, and used expressions and emoticons, like smilies and musical notes, whose nuances were lost on anyone over the age of 25.

Tuesday, January 22

Survival of the Fitest in the Corprate World

In an internet article about yahoo, the new runner of yahoo Jerry Yang said that he is trying to revamp yahoo to try to gain back all the customers he has lost due to Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. Because of the new advances in many sites, more and more users have stopped using Yahoo because they can do all the things they want on Facebook or Google.Analysts have been waiting for changes at Yahoo, and they have questioned whether Mr. Yang can lead Yahoo’s transformation quickly enough before competitors gain more ground and before investors become restless. “Maybe it’s too generous, but I would give them six to nine months to prove that these initiatives are having an impact,” said Mark Mahaney, an analyst with Citigroup. Google is now coming up with iGoogle wich gives you a way to make your own blog, which is all teens and adults are trying to do these days. This allows the person to google and search what they want and still be connect with their friends.

Facebook also allows you to reconnect and join with your friends. You are allowed to friend request old and new friends and chat with them through emial. You can look at friends pictures and explore their world. You can only accept people that you want to wich makes it safe and easy for kids and even adults.

Google is something that has been around for years that seems to connect to people that need answers and need them quick. You can search just about anything, and you are guranteed the answer, it may take a little while but it sure is worth it when you need something fast.

As you can see, every large online corporate buisness needs to compete and needs to keep coming up with new ideas that are going to make their company bigger and better for people. The people only want the easiest way to search and connect with family and friends and each company is working hard to stay on top.

Tuesday, January 8


Creativity is affected by where you are in a certain place or time. Lets say you are on a beach, you can think of things like related to the beach. Lets take the ocean or sand or shells. Creativity is something that comes naturally. When you are designing a webpage, you can get ideas from just about anywhere though, you dont have to be in a beach or in a classroom, you can let your imagination soar just by looking or thinking about one thing.

Thursday, December 20

Dreamweaver Site! Webpage Advancement

Dreamweaver is a web page editor designed to allow users to create web pages with a wide variety of features without having to write the HTML code by hand. What you design in the Dreamweaver document window will be coded and placed the document so that the browser will display the page just as you see it in your Dreamweaver window. 
I really got to see from this tutorial how easy and simple it is to make the webpage. The video was easy to follow and really increase my knowledge of webpage design. 

Friday, December 14

25 days to make a difference

Recently in an article, a 10 year old Laura has been finding ways to help out her community. She has helped her dad put up lights, she has set the dinner table for her family, and cleaning her fish bowl, because it was consiting of yucky water. She has also been donating hats and coats to underprivileged children who dont get a lot for christmas. She has also chopped mushrooms with her aunt. By doing these little things, she can make the world a better place to live in. Whos says that one person can't change the world?!.

Today, i cant make a difference by help cleaning the house with my mom. Also i can take my dog out for a walk more often instead of letting him just go outside. When my parents need help i can help out without complaning.