Tuesday, January 22

Survival of the Fitest in the Corprate World

In an internet article about yahoo, the new runner of yahoo Jerry Yang said that he is trying to revamp yahoo to try to gain back all the customers he has lost due to Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. Because of the new advances in many sites, more and more users have stopped using Yahoo because they can do all the things they want on Facebook or Google.Analysts have been waiting for changes at Yahoo, and they have questioned whether Mr. Yang can lead Yahoo’s transformation quickly enough before competitors gain more ground and before investors become restless. “Maybe it’s too generous, but I would give them six to nine months to prove that these initiatives are having an impact,” said Mark Mahaney, an analyst with Citigroup. Google is now coming up with iGoogle wich gives you a way to make your own blog, which is all teens and adults are trying to do these days. This allows the person to google and search what they want and still be connect with their friends.

Facebook also allows you to reconnect and join with your friends. You are allowed to friend request old and new friends and chat with them through emial. You can look at friends pictures and explore their world. You can only accept people that you want to wich makes it safe and easy for kids and even adults.

Google is something that has been around for years that seems to connect to people that need answers and need them quick. You can search just about anything, and you are guranteed the answer, it may take a little while but it sure is worth it when you need something fast.

As you can see, every large online corporate buisness needs to compete and needs to keep coming up with new ideas that are going to make their company bigger and better for people. The people only want the easiest way to search and connect with family and friends and each company is working hard to stay on top.

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