Thursday, October 18

Fake Kidnapping

In an email i recieved, it stated there was a boy named Evan Trembly who claimed to be missing, at first i was sad, and hoped that the parents would find him. But then when i did a search on evan trembly, the new news was that it actually was a fake letter, and there was much evidence to support it. This just goes to show that you can't really trust anything on the internet unless you do a full , controlled search.

In the search that i did, the evidence that claims that the letter is a fake kiddnapping cry for help, was that the yahoo account that is posted on the letter is fake or nonexistant, also there is no .com. Also the National center of missing children does not have a record of a missing kid named Evan Trembly. Also there is not Amber Alert issued by the Wichita Falls police department.
This was a sick, and cruel prank that should not be allowed in our society today. Evan should be facing charges against this joke.

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